The Bobzilla XTension combines an enhanced step-and-repeat tool with three popular features from the Bob‚Ñ¢ and Son of Bob‚Ñ¢ XTensions:
• Go-to-page displays a pop-up of the pages in your document
• Line Check automatically searches for typographically undesirable lines
• Super Step-and-Repeat is a sophisticated method for repeating objects on a page
• Full Resolution TIFF Output tells QuarkXPress not to make an adjustment for a printer’s resolution when it outputs TIFF files.
Getting Started
Press Cmd - 2 or click the right arrow on the Horizontal scroll bar to find out how to use this document. As you move, the chapter indicator in the lower lefthand corner of the screen will tell you where you are.
Use the Vertical scroll bar to see more information. If there is nothing more to read in a chapter, the vertical scroll bar will not be available.
Installing Bobzilla
Quit QuarkXPress™. Then, drag-copy the Bobzilla XTension file into the same folder as QuarkXPress. When you launch QuarkXPress, you’ll have access to all Bobzilla’s features.